TEL: 02-103-4496 / 094-469-8811 / 087-694-5511 / 062-909-9777 (JP)
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Corporate Philosophy

Our philosophy of “The Three Benefits” is aimed at benefitting our customers, our employees and society as a whole. In a spirit of mutual trust, we make every effort to enable each of these three parties to enjoy mutual prosperity and, in the process, we aim to contribute to modern society.

Management Policies

We aim to improve the quality of our management and to create a comfortable working environment for our users, which includes providing products that are easy to use, leave a lasting impression and which you simply enjoy using.

Manufacturing Policy and Concern for the Environment

Based on the concept that “Product development starts at the work site”, we put every effort into innovation and the creation of products of the highest quality that both gain our customers’ complete trust and satisfy their increasingly demanding needs.
At the same time, we put every effort into achieving an environmentally-friendly enterprise with a truly global outlook.

History of REX

EstablishedAugust, 1925
CapitalJPY 90,000,000(REX Group Total : JPY 1,050,000,000)
PresidentKazuhiko Miyagawa
Registered address &Finance Dept.1-4-5 Nishi-Shinsaibashi, Chuo-ku, Osaka, Japan
Head Office &Main Factory1-9-3 Hishiya-Higashi, Higashi-Osaka, Japan
Tottori Factory1124-7, Takada, Daisen-cho, Saihaku-gun, Tottori, Japan
Branch OfficesTokyo and Osaka
Sales Offices (Domestic)Sapporo, Sendai, Tokyo, Maebashi, Kanagawa, Nagoya,
Osaka, Hiroshima and Kyushu
No. of Employees190 (REX Group Total : 300)
Activities and ProductsPlanning, development, production, manufacture, sales and marketing of Pipe Threading Machines, Cutters,Fusion Units, Copper Tube Tools, Diamond Core Drills and Machinery & Equipment for the Environment,Water systems, and Equestrian-related products etc.
Group CompaniesREX International U.S.A., Inc.
Suzhou REX Electro-Machinery Co., Ltd.
REX International Asia Co., Ltd.
Company guide in PDF.English 